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Hyundai ve Lexus u tost yapma
Ynt: Hyundai ve Lexus u tost yapma
Yorumlardan biri en makul neden gözüküyor
"it was probably a prototype. manufacturers usually have them crushed so nobody can steal any proto parts and fit them to there car."
Muhtemelen arabanın prototipi, firmalar genelde aracın parçaları çalınmasın diye test edildikten sonra parçalıyolarmış.
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Ynt: Hyundai ve Lexus u tost yapma
Orjinal yazı sahibi: opelmaniaYorumlardan biri en makul neden gözüküyor
"it was probably a prototype. manufacturers usually have them crushed so nobody can steal any proto parts and fit them to there car."
Muhtemelen arabanın prototipi, firmalar genelde aracın parçaları çalınmasın diye test edildikten sonra parçalıyolarmış.
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Ynt: Hyundai ve Lexus u tost yapma
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I love you guys for watching this and arguing over it. This never gets old to watch happen. this is a prototype for the new VW and when they are done testing it they have to destroy it so nobody can take anything off it and try to use it. so I get to take it to the crusher and watch them do their thing with it.InsigniaTEAM
Ynt: Hyundai ve Lexus u tost yapma
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